
The Lawrence and Isabel Barnett Center for Integrated Arts and Enterprise was created with the purpose of educating and preparing students for successful careers in the arts and related entrepreneurial fields. 

For further information, please visit our About page for the history of the center, our donors, and a message from our director.




Watch the video to learn more about the Barnett Center and its vision.




Remote video URL

Watch this video to learn about the creative process our cohorts embarked upon during the pilot program, "Creatives @ the Barnett"!

Recent News

Summer Funding for Arts Internships and Other Career-Building Experiences

The Barnett Center is pleased to partner with ASC Career Success to support students seeking arts-based career-building experiences this summer through the Career Accelerator Fund. 

Barnett Center Launches “A Life in the Arts” Program Series

The Barnett Center is pleased to announce the launch of a new program to connect students to career pathways in the arts. Our new “A Life in the Arts” series welcomes practicing artists from the…

Accessible Expression Ohio Logo

How ThingLink’s AR App and Virtual Tour Made an Art Exhibition More Accessible

On December 19th, an article written by Kyla Ball on Thinglink.com's blog was published about the Accessible Expressions Ohio exhibit featured at the Barnett Center. In the article, it details how…

Collage of the Barnett Mentors

Faculty Mentors are the North Star of 'Creatives @ the Barnett'

On December 1st, the College of Arts and Sciences posted an article featuring the mentors of the Creatives @ the Barnett program.

Read the news story here!

People Directory

Assistant Professor, Department of Design
Director, Barnett Center for Integrated Arts and Enterprise; Professor; Associate Director, University Bands