Join College of Arts and Sciences alumni, faculty and distinguished guests for a series of conversations that trace the career and highlight the groundbreaking accomplishments of our dynamic OSU alumni in the arts and design. This event is presented by the Barnett Center for Integrated Arts and Enterprise in partnership with the Department of Art.
Please use the link to watch the Department of Art video from January 26th, 2021.

Alumna: Elizabeth Gerdeman
MFA Art '08; Visual Artist
Elizabeth Gerdeman (born in Columbus, Ohio) is a visual artist currently based in Germany. Gerdeman received a Master of Fine Arts degree plus a certificate of Interdisciplinary Specialization from The Ohio State University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Columbus College of Art and Design. Recent exhibition venues for her work include the Modern Art Museum in Yerevan, Armenia; Athens Digital Arts Festival in Athens, Greece; (Z)ORTEN in Graubünden, Switzerland; Else Foundation Symposium in Mexico City, Mexico; site-specific interventions in Venice, Italy; Hammond Harkins Galleries in Columbus, OH, USA; and Бükü, Helmut, and BSMNT galleries in Leipzig, Germany. She has taught at art schools and universities in the USA and Europe since 2008. Since 2015, she teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig.
Professional Website

Interviewer: Merijn van der Heijden
Director, Urban Arts Space and Hopkins Hall Gallery
Growing up in The Netherlands, Merijn first studied at Akademie voor Beeldende Vorming, in Tilburg, where she received her BFA in Art. She then came to The Ohio State University where she received her MFA in Art. Since becoming Director in 2017, Merijn focuses on strategic planning, strengthening university and community partner relationships in an effort to articulate, expand and diversify exhibitions and programs at the Urban Arts Space and Hopkins Hall Gallery. Within this role, Merijn appreciates that she gets to keep her hands in artistic practice while also helping shape and contribute to student success by providing hands-on arts-related experiences for them.
In her free time, she likes to read, write, spend time in her studio and most importantly, spend time with her family. She can also speak six different languages and loves taking long road trips.
For more Creative Pathfinders events, return to our series homepage.